See a traditional Korean home – hanok – designed according to the principle of “borrowing nature’s beauty.” The Korean Gallery presents a quiet home space that expresses its inhabitants’ philosophy. Moreover, the exhibition joins the 19th century design and modern Korean ideas inspired by tradition.
The divided space – Man/Woman. The gallery is a symbolic representation of two spaces: the men-only part (saranbang) and angbang for women. Korean homes are strictly divided according to social roles in the patriarchal society. The arrangement of object represents interiors’ functions such as work, meals, hygiene, as well as expresses the Confucian notion of restraint. Traditional beliefs are present as ornamental fortune symbols – carps, butterflies, and bats.
19th and 20th century wooden furniture constitutes the main part of the collection, manufactured with precision, sculpted and ornamented with metal fittings. The pieces are complemented with historic and contemporary pottery, ornamental pieces and modern metal and plastic furniture inspired by traditional design.
Partners: The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Warsaw; The Korean Centre of Culture; The Friends of The National Folk Museum of Korea